Institute of Management, Nirma University - Logo

Inter Library Loan (ILL)

Resource (books and articles) which is not available in NIMA Knowledge Centre may be obtained using our Inter Library Loans Service. This service can be used for getting books and photocopies of journal articles. This service is available to faculty members and students of Nirma University.

For making an ILL request, the users have to check the OPAC first to confirm that the resource they want is not available in the library collection.

The requests are usually sent to the Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi.

The AICTE and DELNET (Developing Library Network) have signed an MOU to get libraries of technical Institutes/University Departments as approved by AICTE networked DELNET. All the AICTE approved technical institutions will be connected by the Network and would be able to share all resources this way the students and faculty members will get the necessary information from all technical institutions. An institutional member of AICTE-DELNET MOU will get many benefits like Reference Services, Inter Library Loan, Document Delivery Services, Technology transfer, Institutional Promotion through Internet. It provides access to more than one million documents, books, journals, articles, CD-ROMs, Video-Recordings, Sound Recordings, etc with location data, maintains efficient document delivery service.

It normally takes one week to receive the resource at the Library and then the requester can collect the same on intimation from the Library.

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