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Electronic Resources

Electronic resources consist of contents that are stored and displayed digitally and accessed through computers and other electronic devices. These resources are referred to as online/offline databases, digital content or media. The aim behind procuring electronic resources is to facilitate its access to users everywhere and at any time.

NIMA Knowledge Centre procure a variety of electronic resources, like online journals, online databases, offline databases, e-books, CDs, DVDs, VCDs, etc. Some electronic resources are accessible within the campus and some are accessible off-campus through the remote login facility.

NIMA Knowledge Centre subscribes many online journals on different subjects. These online journals are accessible to the user 24X7 for using it both on the campus through campus LAN OR WiFi and off the campus through remote login facility.

Resources Available in Package Subject Coverage Simultaneous Access
EBSCO’s Art & Architecture 370 journals Art & Architecture Multi-user
Title List
EBSCO’s Business Source Ultimate 5,337 active full-text journals and magazines 2,782 active full-text peer-reviewed journals Business and Management Multi-user


Oxford University Press e-bundle 37 journals Business and Management Multi-user
SAGE Journals Collection 209 journals Management and Organization Studies, Urban Studies and Planning, Engineering Multi-user
Browse List
ASCE Online Library 30 journals, transactions, magazines Civil Engineering Multi-user
ACM Digital Library 35 journals + conference proceedings + others Insurance Computer Science Multi-user
IEEE/IET Electronic Library 241 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings, Standards Electrical Engineering & Computer Engineering Multi-user


Science Direct

with Backfiles for Business & Management package [1995 onwards]

400 journals published by Elsevier Science and Academic Press Engineering, Pharmacy, Business & Management, Science Multi-user


JSTOR: An Archival database 3972 journals, an archival database the recently published issues (3-5 yrs) are not available Social Sciences and Management Multi-user


Hein Online – Academic Legal Journals Database 3605 Journals Law Multi-user

User Guide

E-Journals Title List

Pharmacology Review 1 journal Pharmacy Multi-user


Resources Available in Package Package Coverage Simultaneous Access

No database/s till date

Database which is accessible via Internet is called Online Database. Nirma University Libraries subscribes to online databases on a varity of subject. These online databases are accessible to the user 24X7 for using it both on the campus (through campus LAN and WiFi) and off campus (through remote access).

Name Resources Available in Package Subject Coverage Simultaneous Access
SCOPUS SCOPUS is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Scopus features tools that allow researchers to efficiently track, analyse and visualise research easily and at the level of detail they choose. Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and in the Arts and Humanities also Scientific, Technical, Medical, Social Sciences & Arts and Humanities Multi-user


Elsevier Knovel : Civil Engineering and Construction Materials Knovel helps prepare students for future engineering careers in a technology-driven and globally competitive work environment, also helpful to faculties and Research Scholar for Engineering Data and Technical References to Solve Engineering Problems Structural engineering, Code compliance, Earth moving, Green building, Road construction and Building with materials such as concrete, wood and steel Multi-user


Title List

The Charles Correa Archive The collection covers Over 15,000 drawings, photos, articles, and essays have been interlinked in a specially created digital program.

These digitized archives are advantageous to students, professionals, and faculty who would like to refer to Correa’s work for their academic assignments and architectural research.

Architectural drawings, photos, articles and essays Through Dedicated Library System
For more details: Contact to IAP Library
EPWRF India Time Series (EPWRFITS) On-line Data Series Modules Subscribed:

· National Accounts Statistics of India
· Domestic Product of States of India
· Price Indices
· Agricultural Statistics
· Wage Rates in Rural India
· Annual Survey of Industries
· Industrial Production Series
· Power Sector Statistics
· External Sector Statistics
· Monetary Statistics
· Financial Markets
· Banking Statistics
· Insurance Statistics
· Finances of the Government of India
· Finances of State Governments
· Combined Government Finances
· Health Statistics
· Educational Statistics

Business and Management Multi-user


ISI Emerging Markets ISI Emerging Market offers variety of information on companies, sectors and industry. Business and Management Multi-user


INDIASTAT.COM offers Socio-economic statistical information about India. Business and Management Two simultaneous users at a time
Legitquest Data Coverage:

  • Supreme Court: All Supreme Court Judgments from 1950 Onwards
  • 50 million Pages of Case Laws
  • AI-Based Legal Search
  • High Courts Tribunals: All High Courts Judgments since Inception
  • Tribunals: Judgments of All Tribunals of India
  • Acts: All Central and State Bare Acts with Rules and Regulations
  • Secondary Material: Treaties, Bills, Notifications, Reports of Commissions and Committees Constituent Assembly Debates and Commission Reports
  • Article: Latest Legal research articles an opinion through our legiteye
Law ID and Password
Manupatra Manupatra is an online Legal and Business Database which utilises the power and potential of the digital media to provide a structured, comprehensive and intelligent database for legal and corporate professionals Law Multi-user

User Guide

WestLaw India Westlaw is Thompson West’s online legal research service. It provides quick, easy access to West’s vast collection of statutes, case law materials, public records, and other legal resources, journals and law reviews published from all around the world. The primary legal materials are available on jurisdictions of UK, USA and Commonwealth countries. Law Multi-user

User Guide

Corporate Law Adviser CLAonline is a complete, exclusive Online Library on Corporate / SEBI and Business Laws, covers Case Laws, Legislations, Articles, Queries and Replies on Company Law, Securities Law, SEBI law, FEMA law, Banking, SARFAESI, SICA, Competition law, LLP, Arbitration, Consumer protection, IPR, Information Technology, Money Laundering, Insurance law, etc. Law Multi-user

User Guide

ORIL – Oxford Reports on International Law In this resource, the full scope of international case law is available in one place, accompanied by expert analysis and cross-case navigation via the Oxford Law Citator. New cases are added on daily, making Oxford Reports on International Law the most up-to-date source of international case law available. Law Multi-user

User Guide

Kluwer Competition Law Kluwer Competition Law is an intuitive online research platform that combines the unparalleled breadth of analysis and primary content to help professionals find answers with ease and speed. Retaining the focus on the European Union for which it is renowned, the service increasingly offers significant coverage of key competition jurisdictions around the world.

New Content

List of E-Books – Kluwer Competition law(126)

List of E-Journals- Kluwer Competition Law(5)

Law Multi-user

User Guide

Kluwer Arbitration Law Kluver Arbitration Law has been designed to be easy to use with clever time saving features, the result of feedback from the users whose experience and ideas help to drive improvements and enhancements.

List of E-Books-Kluwer Arbitration Law(307)

List of E-Journals-Kluwer Arbitration Law(15)

Law Multi-user

User Guide

SSC (Supreme Court Cases) online SCC Online extensively covers cases of Supreme Court, Privy Council, all Indian High Courts, Tribunals, Foreign and International law, Central statues, Rules Regulations, huge number of scholarly articles and Secondary Legal Materials like contains of all twelve volumes of Constituent Assembly Debates, reports of the law commission of India. SCC Online has an extensive online database of Indian case law, statute law and other International material Law Multi-user

User Guide

South Asia Archive The South Asia Archive provides online access to millions of pages of rare primary and secondary sources from across the social sciences and humanities. South Asia Archive contains more than 4.5 million pages spanning the period of 18th and mid-20th century from documents across the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Publication date 1700 to 1953. Social Sciences and Humanities, Management Multi-user
Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) OLRL includes four collections:

Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
Oxford Historical treaties
Oxford International Organization
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law

Law Multi-user

User Guide

  • Unlimited access of archives, orders and judgement copies, etc.
  • Free copies of judgments with download facility
  • Access to weekly and monthly digests
  • Special coverage on Tax, IBC, Arbitration
  • Exclusive notifications on phone and via email
  • Weekly judgement text/ video roundups
  • In-depth articles on current legal and constitutional issues
  • Access to premium features such as unlimited advertisement free version
  • Access to download facility for judgements and petitions, exclusive notifications
  • Ability to bookmark articles for later reading, copy paste and print feature and more…
Law IP authenticated and multi-user access
CMIE’s ProwessIQ ProwessIQ for Interactive Querying is a powerful internet-based application for querying CMIE’s database on performances of listed and unlisted companies. ProwessIQ provides charting tools and well-formatted reports on performances of companies. The reports provide financial information including analytical ratios and benchmark comparisons.
Financial performance of 52,662 companies.
Business and Management Multi-user



CMIE’s CapEx CapEx is a database of investment projects that involve the setting up of new capacities. It is about the announcement of such projects, their implementation and their final culmination into new capacities.

It identifies new projects announced and tracks their progress in implementation through their end. The life-cycle of a project ends when the new capacity is created and deployed into production.

The CapEx database tracks projects through this journey and eventual conclusion. It captures this life-cycle of projects.

Business and Management Multi-user



CMIE’s Consumer Pyramids dx Consumer Pyramidsdx is a delivery of the Consumer Pyramids Household Survey. It provides anonymized record-level data at the level of individual households and members of households.

The service delivers data collected from an all-India representative sample of over 2,36,000 households. This is a panel sample that is surveyed repeatedly over time.

Consumer Pyramids Household Survey is a continuous survey. Data is collected in Waves. Data from the first Wave that was conducted during January-April 2016. There are three Waves every year. Each Wave is completed over a four month period.

Business and Management Multi-user


CMIE’s Industry Outlook Industry Outlook provides a well-balanced presentation of data, analysis and forecasts on a large number of industries. It presents the following kinds of information:
The service draws upon data available from government sources, industry and trade associations, commodity markets, firm-level databases and project-level information. It weaves these disparate sources into meaningful and well-organised presentations of the current and prospective trends in Indian industries.
Business and Management Multi-user



ACE Knowledge Portal



ACE Knowledge portal is an exhaustive library of online database, covering data on companies, industries, mutual funds, macro economy as well as live markets. The main object of having this library of databases is to facilitate users to get access of all kinds of historical information on company, industry and economy for their project and analysis purpose.

– Sector
– Mutual Funds
– Macro Economy
– ACE Digital Library
– Market Live

Business and Management Multi-user


Taxmann Database



Tax and Corporate Laws of India


for password kindly contact to Library

Lexis Advance India


Online access to renowned commentaries by experts and stalwart authors like Mulla, Sarkar, Ramaiya, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, MP Jain, GP Singh, Aiyar, Kanga & Palkhivala and many more.


Commentaries online in following areas of Law

1. Corporate
2. Banking & Finance
3. Intellectual Property
4. Criminal
5. Alternative Dispute Resolution
6. Taxation
7. Constitutional/Administrative
8. Commercial
9. Civil and other individual packages like Halsbury’s Laws of India, etc.

Full Text Judgments & Acts
1. Central Acts of India
2. Supreme Court of India
3. High Court of Delhi
4. Madras High Court with benches
5. High Court of Bombay with benches
6. Calcutta High Court
7. High Court of Judicature at Allahabad with benches
8. High Court of Karnataka
9. High Court of Punjab & Haryana and many more…

International Content
1. All UK Cases
2. All England Law Reports
3. All Commonwealth Cases
4. Halsbury’s Laws of England
5. Encyclopedia of Forms & Precedents
6. US Primary Law
7. US Legal & Law Reviews
8. Middle East

Law Multi-user

User Guide


Offline Database is a database which is accessible via Intranet. Nirma University Libraries subscribes to many offline databases on a variety of subjects. These offline database are accessible to the user 24X7 for using it both on the campus through campus LAN OR WiFi and off the campus through remote login facility.

Name Subject Coverage Simultaneous Access
AIR High Courts 1975-2016  Law  Single User
AIR Privy Council 1930-1950  Law  Single User
AIR Supreme Court 1950-2016  Law  Single User
Annual Survey of Indian Law 1965-2009  Law  Single User
Bloomberg Global Business and Financial Information Single User
Criminal Law Journal 1965-2016  Law  Single User
Journal of the Indian Law Institute 1958-2015  Law  Single User
SCC Online 1950-2016  Law  Single Use
The Patents and Trade Marks Cases 1981-2016 Law  Single User
Gujarat Law Reporter 1960-2016  Law  Single User
ACE Equity ACE Equity Database is an extensive database of financial as well as non-financial information of listed Indian companies. It also contains price related data. It is updated regularly. Offline, Multi-user

(Installation guide)


ACE Mutual Fund ACE Mutual Funds Database is mainly used by distributors and for research. It database has the feasibility to generate reports, which is useful for both. It covers all schemes of AMCs and they are properly classified as well as categorized.

Basic Details and essential information of all schemes is properly culled from the offer documents and is properly altered whenever there is a change made by the Fund house.

All portfolio details whether Company, Asset, Industry, Rating and Maturity Profile, coverage of NAV and dividend details, etc are fully updated regularly.

Offline, Multi-user

(Installation guide)



Nirma University Libraries subscribe the following e-Book packages (60,168 e-books). The user can access all e-books 24×7 within and off-campus (through remote access).

Resources Available in Package Subject Coverage Simultaneous Access
EBSCO Art & Architecture 220 e-books Art & Architecture Multi-user
Title List
JSTOR Academic ebooks 58,832 e-books Mainly subject covered: Science and Technology, Architecture and Art, Law, Criminology Etc., Business Management, LIS, Sociology, Multi Discipline. Multi-user
Title List
Kluwer Arbitration Law 373 e-books Law Multi-user
Kluwer Competition Law 126 e-books Law Multi-user
Springer e-books collection 615 e-books
2005 2006 2007
Institute of Management Library has purchased e-Books of Springer e-Books Collection. (Business and Economics e-Books Package) Multi-user


NPTEL stands for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. This is an initiative by seven Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and sciences. Contents for these video courses are based on the model curriculum suggested by AICTE and the syllabi of major affiliating Universities of India.

The main objective of NPTEL program is to enhance the quality of engineering education in the country by developing curriculum based video and web courses. This is being carried out by seven IITs and IISc Bangalore as a collaborative project. Five major engineering disciplines have been covered in this project so far at the undergraduate (BE/BTech) level. In addition, a number of core curriculum courses common to all engineering programmes such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, management, electronics, language, etc. are also included.

800 Video courses and 300 Web courses available for access. Students and Faculty members of Nirma University can watch these video courses within the campus to enhance their subject knowledge.

User Guide