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In silico screening, ADMET analysis and MD simulations of phytochemicals of Onosma bracteata Wall. as SARS CoV‑2 inhibitors

In silico screening, ADMET analysis and MD simulations of phytochemicals of Onosma bracteata Wall. as SARS CoV‑2 inhibitors


Author Name: Udaykumar G. Vegad, Normi D. Gajjar, Prinsa R. Nagar, Sanjay P. Chauhan, Devang J. Pandya, Tejas M. Dhameliya

Journal Name: 3Biotech
Volume Number: 13
Published Year: 2023
ISSN/ISBN No: ISSN 2190-5738 (E-ISSN)
Indexed IN: Scopus